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Bolton YMCA development- Completion of 40 young people accommodation units in August 2022.

The scheme now houses forty local young people (ages 18-25) giving them the opportunity they need to move out of supported accommodation and foster care and start a transitional journey to independence. Based upon an average tenancy lasting two years, this scheme might reasonably expect to impact positively upon the lives of 1,200 young people over a sixty-year period.

In addition to the accommodation, space will be provided on the ground floor for Bolton Y:Zone (open space and office space) to enable the continuity of traditional YMCA Bolton Youth activities, a combination of outreach activity and open access youth services particularly focussed upon confidence building, citizenship and supporting mental health.


Victoria Rd, St Annes- Refurbishment of an empty property into 5 self contained one-bed apartments providing affordable accommodation for young people aged 18-25 in work or apprenticeships. Completion March 2022.

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