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Youth Support Project

We have a new 8 week project about to start funded by the Social Action Fund for “Taster Sports Sessions” at Wesley Hall Methodist Church, Blackburn run by Lancashire Girls and Boys Club, every Tuesday till the 20th June 2017 starting at 6 – 7pm.

We also work with children and young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties.

If you have a child interested in joining in please contact us for further information.

Some comments from some of our Young People:-

The first time I came to the YMCA I was shy, nervous and my social skills weren’t very good, but now that I have got on along with the YMCA team and all of my friends my social skills have improved and so has my stammer Jack

I was always bored sat at home on my sofa doing nothing at all, now I do a lot of activities. I have gained confidence and made friends from different parts of Blackburn – Liam